

adjective ex·treme \ik-ˈstrēm\

: very great in degree

: very serious or severe

: very far from agreeing with the opinions of most people : not moderate

Full Definition of EXTREME

a :  existing in a very high degree <extreme poverty>
b :  going to great or exaggerated lengths :  radical <went on an extreme diet>
c :  exceeding the ordinary, usual, or expected <extreme weather conditions>
archaic :  last
:  situated at the farthest possible point from a center <the country's extreme north>
a :  most advanced or thoroughgoing <the extreme political left>
b :  maximum
a :  of, relating to, or being an outdoor activity or a form of a sport (as skiing) that involves an unusually high degree of physical risk <extreme mountain biking down steep slopes>
b :  involved in an extreme sport <an extreme snowboarder>
ex·treme·ness noun

Origin of EXTREME

Middle English, from Middle French, from Latin extremus, superl. of exter, exterus being on the outside — more at exterior
First Known Use: 15th century

Synonym Discussion of EXTREME

excessive, immoderate, inordinate, extravagant, exorbitant, extreme mean going beyond a normal limit. excessive implies an amount or degree too great to be reasonable or acceptable <excessive punishment>. immoderate implies lack of desirable or necessary restraint <immoderate spending>. inordinate implies an exceeding of the limits dictated by reason or good judgment <inordinate pride>. extravagant implies an indifference to restraints imposed by truth, prudence, or good taste <extravagant claims for the product>. exorbitant implies a departure from accepted standards regarding amount or degree <exorbitant prices>. extreme may imply an approach to the farthest limit possible or conceivable but commonly means only to a notably high degree <extreme shyness>.



: either one of two opposite conditions, feelings, positions, etc., that are thought of as being far from what is normal or reasonable

: an amount or degree that is far beyond what is normal or reasonable

Full Definition of EXTREME

a :  something situated at or marking one end or the other of a range <extremes of heat and cold>
b :  the first term or the last term of a mathematical proportion
c :  the major term or minor term of a syllogism
a :  a very pronounced or excessive degree
b :  highest degree :  maximum
:  an extreme measure or expedient <going to extremes>
in the extreme
:  to the greatest possible extent

First Known Use of EXTREME

IN THE EXTREME Defined for Kids


adjective ex·treme \ik-ˈstrēm\

Definition of EXTREME for Kids

:  very great in degree or severity <extreme heat> <extreme poverty>
:  farthest away <the extreme edge>
:  more demanding or dangerous than normal <extreme sports>
ex·treme·ly adverb



Definition of EXTREME for Kids

:  something as far as possible from a center or from its opposite <extremes of heat and cold>
:  the greatest possible degree :  maximum <He pushed the athletes to the extreme.>


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